Sunday, June 29, 2008

+Photoshop Top Secret Training Course+

the secret is here..

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|8:13 PM|

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


watch the last speech

a lecturer's last speech before he left...

Learn to win at the slot machine

Labels: ,

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|6:52 PM|

+Wall-E (2008) Trailer 3+

Wall·e is coming to save the world!!..

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|4:55 PM|

Saturday, June 21, 2008

+Blogs That Rocks+

They love gadgets and so do i.. a blog about the latest in gadgets, technology and all the bling bling in between.

Watch the great merf office war!

Life Hacker
Hack your life.. a blog about how to live your life better hacks to enhance our daily lives.. simply love this blog, it gives lots of good tip and advices, and ways to use the computer more efficiently..

The Simple Dollar
Who dont love money?.. everyone wanna have loads of them.. the simple dollar writes about how to make the best use of every penny/ 5cent coin you have.. Articles in the "best of.." is a must read!.. with tons of good advice the save up.. (though some might not be useful in singapore context)


[[ White Dragonz ]]*|12:17 PM|

Monday, June 16, 2008

+Sony Ericsson Alicia Demo tour+

Sony Ericsson Alicia?.. sweet~!.. hope it as good as it looks.. from the video, there is 2 screens outside, most likely the round 1 will be a touch screen(like the ipod touchpad) and a square screen that shows weather n playlist information and a main internal screen for sms n stuff..

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|6:00 PM|

Monday, June 09, 2008

+How bout a 64GB for your psp...+

possible from the development from photofast adapter which lets u put 2 16gb SDHC into 1 dual slot adapter... now Double that... and you get a whooping 64GB storage for your psp... might burn a hole in your pocket though... I want 1....

original article


[[ White Dragonz ]]*|7:17 PM|


[[ The White Dragon ]]
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Just as it is the duty of all men to obey just laws, so it is the duty of all men to disobey unjust laws
-Martin Luther King Jr.-

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

4x Grace
4x Lisa
4x Gracielo
2x Emilia
4x Stock Scout