Wednesday, August 27, 2008

+Where Cell Phones Go to Die+


[[ White Dragonz ]]*|3:58 PM|

Saturday, August 23, 2008

+Global warming?..+

The Great Global Warming Swindle

"It's very rare that a film changes history, but I think this is a turning point and in five years the idea that the greenhouse effect is the main reason behind global warming will be seen as total bollocks"

and i'm calling it total bullshit..


burj Dubai almost completed

Fast Food Nation

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|6:49 PM|

Saturday, August 16, 2008

+Jack Nicholson's Car+

If you think hydrogen cars are the future, you are wrong. They are the past. You just have to look at this amazing video with Jack Nicholson showing his hydrogen Chevy, smashing the traditional car industry with his usual finesse, and extolling its virtues on network television, 30 years ago.... Seriously, the people in America and the oil companies and the whole world can't handle the truth!

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|10:55 AM|

+Madagascar Escape 2 Africa - Official Trailer HD QUALITY+

Move it.. Move it.. Move it.. Move it.. Madagascar 2 Coming soon..

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|10:30 AM|

Sunday, August 10, 2008

+Fatt Fatt Fatt , 8/8/8+

this wkend is the Olympics and national day. HAPPY 43rd NATIONAL DAY!.. spectacular display at the opening ceremony i must say.. who'd expect the china would build a gigantic display on the ground on a moving hatch door that opens to reveal a huge globe of the world?.. er.. after watching the olympics opening display.. the singapore nat day pale in comparison.. but still it had a wonderful fireworks display which you wont get to see in singapore everyday...

The Five Things You Need to Know About Finding the Work You Love
The Only Guide to Happiness You’ll Ever Need
from zenhabits

Drive With Air

Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|2:07 AM|

Monday, August 04, 2008

+Axis of Evil Comedy Tour+

he's Egyptian : Ahmed Ahmed
he's Palestinian : Dean Obeidallah
he's Palestinian : Aron Kader
he's Iranian : Maz Jobrani

Others: Sultans of Satire

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|8:18 PM|

+Lifehacker rocks..+

An Inspirational Story
Former CEO of the famously failed Julie Wainwright publishes a brutally honest inventory of the life-changing mistakes she's made and how she's moved on from them. After her company and her marriage collapsed (in the same week!) and her company's mascot became a symbol for the dotcom bust.
Five Life-Changing Mistakes and How I Moved On
[via lifehacker]

Life:When Play Becomes Work
[via lifehacker]

other stuff from lifehacker
video:why the hell people run marathons

100 Push Ups in Six Weeks
The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

Education: Skip Business School and Get Your "Personal MBA"

Computer: Five Best Windows Maintenance Tools

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|11:28 AM|


[[ The White Dragon ]]
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Download Day

Just as it is the duty of all men to obey just laws, so it is the duty of all men to disobey unjust laws
-Martin Luther King Jr.-

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

4x Grace
4x Lisa
4x Gracielo
2x Emilia
4x Stock Scout