Thursday, July 31, 2008

+Giz Explains:+

An Illustrated Guide to Every Stupid Cable You Need

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|5:43 PM|

Sunday, July 27, 2008

+this weekend+

photoshop for beginners

monkey man David Belle
learn Parkour

and copying is not right!
more photoshop disasters

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|2:40 PM|

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

+The Love Guru - Guru Pitka's Mini Sutras - Short Snappies+

the guru speaks..

[[ White Dragonz ]]*|9:26 PM|

Saturday, July 19, 2008

+this weekend more documentaries+


Money As Debt

McDonald's 4 Year Old Cheeseburger - the truth about the big M...
(FFWD to 2.20 for the real action)

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|11:42 AM|

Thursday, July 10, 2008

+What is money?..+

the truth about money: Money As Debt

Have you wondered what the hell is money?.. the stuff we worked our lives for.. have you where it came from?.. how it is created?

the truth about automobile technology: Who Killed the Electric Car?

Who Killed the Electric Car? It was among the fastest, most efficient production cars ever built. It ran on electricity, produced no emissions and catapulted American technology to the forefront of the automotive industry. The lucky few who drove it never wanted to give it up. So why did General Motors crush its fleet of EV1 electric vehicles in the Arizona desert?

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|10:53 PM|

Friday, July 04, 2008

+north american union+

US is US no more!.. according to CNN, bush just signed a treaty(read:2years ago!, why you dont know?.. cause they dont want you to know). The north american union or NAU is suppose to merge US with canada and Mexico and have a common currency called Amero ,like the euro now used in european countries. Soon the Amero will replace the American dollar, Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.-- CNN reports, info:NAU on wikipedia

The NAU is the same concept as the European Union, African Union and the soon to hit us; the Asian Union. These will eventually merge together to form the finally stages of a plan which is 60 years in the making.
More revealed on : Zeitgeist, The Movie

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
The American income Tax system... is it really legal?... the reality as late director Aaron Russo found out... and the more sinister plot behind it..

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

[2008] One Nation Under LEE
[2008] Zeitgeist, The Movie - the truth about war
[2007] Loose Change Final Cut - the truth about 9/11
[2007] The Energy Non-Crisis - the truth about oil prices
[2007] The Corporation Movie - the truth about big corporations
[1999] Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud)
always remember:
-- truth is not told, it is realized.

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|12:20 PM|

Thursday, July 03, 2008

+this weekend+

new movies that rocks..
- Wanted

dubai is building the world...

and everything else

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[[ White Dragonz ]]*|3:30 PM|

+S'pore Food Fiesta!!+

singapore food festival is here again!..
eat eat eat...
event calendar


[[ White Dragonz ]]*|2:35 PM|


[[ The White Dragon ]]
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Download Day

Just as it is the duty of all men to obey just laws, so it is the duty of all men to disobey unjust laws
-Martin Luther King Jr.-

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, For you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

4x Grace
4x Lisa
4x Gracielo
2x Emilia
4x Stock Scout